SumBody Me..

Foto saya
Atas Bumi + Bawah Langit, Tengah2 Kerajaan Langit + Bumi, Malaysia
Memandangkan emo + sentimental 2 memang sifat lahiriah aku..So, sini adalah tempat untuk aku luah perasaan + lepas geram + emo x tentu hala + buat hal ikut suka hati aku.. Aku tau aku jiwang..tapi, peduli hapa.?! Sila buat2 xtau bila ada entry ala2 kelas terapi + kaunseling okek? ~ You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one!

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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Talking to the moon

by bruno Mars
I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know

Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you

In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

p/s : lagu ni xda kena-mengena dengan apa2 or sapa2 pon..jz love Bruno Mars and his songs..No hard feeling..~motif aku nak xplen smua ni kat sini??hahaha..(to whom it may concern la kan..) (",)

Quote of The Day :

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Sila kekalkan ciri2 ketimuran yakni komen dengan penuh nilai2 kesopanan dan kesusilaan, okek..?